Thank you for registering to participate in the Te Rito Toi - Returning to School After Trauma or Life Changing Events webinar which will occur on Monday 25 May 2020 from 2:00 – 3:00 UTC. Below, please find the link, meeting ID and Password which will grant you access to the session: When signing into Zoom, please be sure to observe the following protocols for the safety and security of our meeting: Learn how to sign onto Zoom Meetings by viewing this tutorial video Be sure to use your first and last name when signing in – we will not allow participants without clear names into the session We will utilize the waiting room, once you have signed in, please be patient until you are admitted Should an issue arise, we will promptly close the meeting for all and send an email to registered participants with a new Link, Meeting ID, and password and start time (likely about 10 minutes later), be sure to check your email should an incident occur.
After the webinar is complete, we will be creating a digital archive with the recording and other supplemental materials, usually within 2-3 days. We will notify all registrants once this archive is ready. Please don’t forget about other webinars being offered as part of this series; more information can be found here. Additionally, be sure to stay up to date on activities occurring during International Arts Education Week by registering your interest here. We thank you, again, for registering for this webinar and look forward to learning together.